It is a matter of great pleasure that the website of Himachal Pradesh Disaster Management Authority has been redesigned for the benefit of public and agencies involved in disaster management. The website is very informative and exhaustive. It contains extensive information on hazard profile of the State, and status of current vulnerability. The website gives details about the ongoing programmes for capacity building. The dossier of trained personnel has been put in the website so that their services can be utilized by all concerned. Separate corners for citizens and NGOs have been dedicated giving useful information on safety tips and safe construction practices. The resource list contains list of helipads, trained personnel, resource persons etc. It also contains links to telephone directory and India Disaster Resource Network.
It is the matter of great pleasure that Hindi version of the website has been designed , which will be useful for Hindi readers.
I am quite sure that the website would go a long way in providing useful and timely information to the users at one place and it would act as a milestone in the directions of effective disaster management in the State.
I am also aware that in the times to come the website would evolve further and would cater to the needs and requirements of changing times.
I extend my heartiest congratulations to all those who have contributed in one or the other way to put this website in the present shape.