Himachal Pradesh
State Disaster Management Authority

Ministry of Home Affairs with support from UNDP –India had implemented the GoI-UNDP Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Programme during the period (2002-2009). This Programme came to an end on June 2009. The DRM programme aimed at reducing the vulnerabilities of communities at risk to natural disasters in 176 multi-hazard prone districts across 17 States of India. The Programme had a multi donor resource framework of $41 million and was the largest community-based DRM programme in the world. The main objectives of the programme were:


  1. Capacity Building to institutionalize DRM Initiatives at National and State level.

  2. Creating awareness and strengthening capacities at district, block, panchayat and village level on disaster risk management which included preparation of multi-hazard preparedness, response and mitigation plans, training of life saving skills like first aid, search and rescue and fire fighting .

  3. Knowledge networking on effective approaches, methods and tools for DRM

  4. Supporting development of policy frameworks at the State and National level on Disaster Management.


In a nutshell community capacity-building was one of the key components of the DRM programme. Community volunteers in India are often the first responders to a disaster in real-time, and the DRM programme undertook widespread training of community volunteers, Civil Defence, Home Guard and the Fire Service in search and rescue, first aid, and evacuation, relief and shelter management. Conducting mock drills at all levels was also a key activity of the programme.


Urban Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction (UEVR) Project

One of the sub-components of the DRM programme was the UEVR project, implemented in 38 cities with over half-a-million people in seismic zones III, IV and V across India. This project aimed at sustainable reduction of earthquake risk in selected cities of India. This sub component is still under implementation and will be completed on 31st December, 2009.


The broad objectives of the Project are as follows:

  • Awareness generation.

  • Development of preparedness and response plans at the community and administrative levels.

  • Facilitate amendments of building byelaws and other regulations like Land Use Zoning Regulations, Development Control Regulations to ensure structural safety in natural hazard prone areas.

  • Capacity-building of such stakeholders like engineers, architects, masons and builders on hazard resistant construction practices on hand and of community people on life saving skills on the other hand.

  • Knowledge networking on international and national best-practices among all the cities covered under the project.