District Wise Disaster Vulnerability of the State:
Considering the proneness of the state towards different kinds of natural hazards, a broad district wise vulnerable status was devised for the state depending upon the vulnerability towards different hazards. Vulnerability matrix was developed based on the qualitative weightage which was given in the scale of 0-5 for different hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, industrial hazards, construction type and density of population. District wise matrix was prepared by evaluating the risk severity. The evaluation also gives weightage to the density of population likely to be affected. The matrix also includes the evaluation of hazards likely to be induced on account of development of projects such as hydel projects, roads industries etc.
In case of earthquake vulnerability, the district Kangra ,Hamirpur and Mandi falls in very high vulnerable category on the basis of the matrix devised. The districts which falls in high earthquake vulnerability are Chamba, Kullu, Kinnaur and part of Kangra and Shimla districts, where as the moderate and low vulnerable districts are Una, Bilaspur ,Sirmour and Solan,Shimla and Lahaul & Spiti districts respectively.
The landslide vulnerability in case of Chamba, Kullu, Kinnaur and part of Kangra and Shimla districts is high followed by Kangra, Mandi, Bilaspur, Shimla,Sirmour and Lahaul & Spiti districts falling in moderate vulnerable category.The areas falling in low vulnerable category are in the districts of Una, Hamirpur and Solan.
The avalanche hazard vulnerability map suggest that the districts of Lahaul & Spiti and Kinnaur are very high vulnerable followed by Chamba, Kullu and part of Kangra and Shimla as moderate vulnerable areas where as the remaining districts fall in the category where avalanche hazards are nil.
The flood hazard vulnerability map indicates that the areas falling in the districts of Chamba, Kullu ,Una and Kinnaur falls in high vulnerable districts where as the Lahaul & Spiti, Mandi, Shimla , Kangra,Hamirpur, Bilaspur, Solan and Sirmour falls in moderate and low vulnerability areas.
The overall vulnerability of the state on the basis of the matrix clearly suggests that the district Chamba, Kinnaur Kullu and part of Kangra and Shimla falls in very high vulnerable risk. Similarly district Kangra, Mandi, Una ,Shimla and Lahaul and Spiti falls in high vulnerable risk status. The district Hamirpur, Bilaspur, Solan and Sirmour falls in moderate vulnerable risk status. The disaster management strategies and infrastructure required to be evolved by taking the above factors into consideration.

Source : HP State Council for Environment Science and Technology
Overall Vulnerability Map of Himachal Pradesh
Source : HP State Council for Environment Science and Technology