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Himachal Pradesh
State Disaster Management Authority

H.P State Disaster Management Authority
Disaster Management Cell, 
HP Secretariat, Shimla - 171002 
Phone - 0177 2880331, 2880320 

Fax No. - 0177 2621154
E-mail:- sdma-hp[AT]nic[DOT]in


Sr No.

Name and Designation

Contact Details


Chief Minister & 
Chairman, SDMA,
HP Secretariat, Shimla - 171002.

+91 177-2625400 (Contact No.
+91 177 2625411


Chief Secretary & 
Chief Executive Officer, SDMA,
HP Secretariat, Shimla - 171002.

+ 91 177 2621022 (Contact No.)
+ 91 177 2621813 (Fax)
Email: cs-hp


Principal Secretary, Revenue & Member Secretary, SDMA 
HP Secretariat, Shimla - 171002.

+ 91 177 2880780 (Contact No.)
+91  177 2621195 (Fax No.)
Email: revsecy-hp[AT]nic[DOT]in


Director-cum-Special Secretary, (Revenue-DM)

HP Secretariat, Shimla - 171002

+91 177 2880331 (Contact No.)
+91 177 2621154 (Fax)

Email: sdma-hp[AT]nic[DOT]in


Other Important Contact Detail Links :-

  1. SDMA Staff Contact Nos.
  2. Contact Nos. of Control Room
  3. DDMA Staff Contact Nos.
  4. List of Nodal Officers in Departments for Disaster Management.
  5. Administrative Secretaries Contact Nos.
  6. I-sat and V-sat Contact Nos.
  7. Forest Officer Contact Nos.
  8. Control Rooms Contact Nos.
  9. Emergency Communication Directory